Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oh its ON alright!

We are into a third week of demonstrations in Iran. The government is coming down hard, and what last week were groups of thousands, smaller groups of 50 to 100 still keep up the fight for freedom. A planned gathering for today looks as if it has fallen apart. Brutality seems to be winning the battles, but it WILL lose the war. Stay the course!

It is hard to chase a dream. I in no way can compare my dream to the dreams of the Iranians, but I understand their plight. People all around you, friends and family tell you its not worth it. You'll never make it. You should give up and join the rest of us in a long drawn out life with no real excitement. The powers that be do everything to try to stop you. If you hold on long enough it all works out.

I for all intensive purposes am half way through my life. I am not ready to give up. I really just began to understand how this whole thing works and I cannot quit now. There has to be a few changes for it to properly fit together, but that is evolution. I know now I am going to have to do it on my own, with a little help from my true friends no doubt, but they are on the same course, so I know I can lean on them when I need to. And them on me.

I look to the west, and hear a calling. I will find that beautiful voice that echos though my head. Its just going to take a little more time. I'll be there soon, I promise.

A special shout out to Jason over at Freshman Speak for the add, and the inspiration for this post. Good luck on the move old friend!

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