Sunday, June 21, 2009

To The Streets!

They have taken to the streets! Men and women, young and old, rich and poor are fighting and dying for their freedom! No matter the outcome of these demonstrations, Iran is now a different country.

I'll admit, three weeks ago I knew next to nothing about the election going on. Mir Hossein Moussavi was a name I never heard and assumed President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would win in a landslide. But now after a little research, I have leaned a lot and taken it upon myself to get the word out. I am in this for the long haul.

In the 80's & 90's, Mr. Moussavi was just another hard-liner ready to destroy Israel and the infidels who dared stand against Iran. But it seems he is now a changed man. Ready to talk with the West and live together in some sort of peace. He wants to move Iran away from its military style economy and give freedom to the press. This change comes from the people of Iran. Maybe he realizes the people of Iran (70% of pop. is under 30) are ready for something different, something better. He has said is now ready to be a martyr for the cause.

From the images we are seeing out Iran, it is clear, there are thousands ready to help fight for this cause as well. Graphic images of people in the streets prove this. The video of "Neda" being shot and killed is the most horrifying and has become a rallying call for the rest of the world. (I believe you can still find this on YouTube, but most major media outlets have taken it down)

We need to stand with the opposition and help in anyway we can.

Mr. Moussavi may not be the best choice, in our eyes. But he is the best choice for Iran to begin anew and become something different, something better.

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